Wednesday, July 24, 2024


The Familiar sound of the deadbolt bar crossing into the door jamb with a semi-smooth clunk! Security, safety, peace of mind?

Keeping those safe on the inside and keeping those out who have no place there. Or is this true?

For years did the deadbolt keep me safe? Or for years did the deadbolt keep my fears safe?

I unlocked the door and I left it unlocked, in fact I left it partly open-not for all to welcome but for the One and one who are welcome! 

Now, instead of locking my fears inside, safely and securely while all others remain shut out- with door unlocked and partly open my fears have no place to hide, I see your silhouette stand in the door as you walk into the room, no fear of discovery have I, for all in its perfect time, nothing I have to hide!

With no protection of locks and bars my fears flee out the front door running down the lane into oblivion, they tumble and fall, how silly they look now; I don't even wave goodbye for your hand is wrapped in mine!

I unlocked the door and to lock it again I cannot. With respect and virtue I know you will walk in, and already have! 

This room I call my heart and the door to it is unlocked, the physical world of mine with real doors and bars is unlocked to 👸 for to shut you out I refuse, no fear I have  that you will overstep- for virtue is your middle name and our King is our safety with His word we will live in peace of mind!!!❤️❤️🙏🙏

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