Friday, July 5, 2024

The Hair...

 There it was... the hair... in stark contrast to the interior of my vehicle as it layed straddled across the center console. Far to long to be mine and not quite the right color either. It was no mystery where it came from.

You probably know the hairs... At the most inopportune times they clog the drain, appear in a casserole at Christmas dinner, cling to clothing and fly through the air. Some recoil in disgust while others shrink in embarrassment, ill-mannered kids will throw a tantrum and refuse to eat their food after discovering the hair! All in all no one is too crazy about them.

That November day I jolted back to reality... my car had been "invaded" by the donor of this hair, perhaps "invaded" is too harsh of a word, for she had spent time with me driving in my car. One simple hair strung across center console... as I closed my car door and walked into my house I made a choice.. or perhaps the choice made me I prayed  that I would never again complain about the hair but instead gratefully take it as a reminder of an amazing person and an amazing time spent together!!🙏

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