Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Could it be...???

 Could it be... Two of the most amazing hugs any human could give to another human!!! ❤️  Could it be I received both?? Why yes indeed I did!!!! 

Could it be though that I keep taking? That I keep longing for the absolute best, without giving my absolute best??

Have I ever given a hug to the most amazing woman ever?? I fear I have not... I fear I always receive... Yes, it is safer this way, I spare the awkwardness of rejection, or awkwardness of timing. But I ask again have I ever given a hug to the most beautiful woman in the world?? And if no, why?? Is not it my fear of her fear that makes it so?? She is most lovely and perfect in her timing, her hugs are always just right so I never could replace them even if I tried. But why would I not at least try to give a gift freely given?? I accept her gift freely given!! 

Where are you my reader?? Have you dared to give, have you dared to give a hug to your best friend? Have you dared to give a hug to those who mean more than life to you? Have you dared to despise the fear and seek the glory that comes from Above? Not for selfish gain but for genuine, honest, and right motive?

I know not how, but I shall not leave you to attempt this on your own, my best fried!👸 for we shall dare to live and prosper even if in so doing there is risk of failing!! That is a risk I must take!! For without it, do not we die?? 

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