Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Speechlessness Talking...

  To be laughed at, to be called a fool, to have motive questioned, to be advised to move on, told to invest the resources in my own future! Asked "what if nothing ever comes of it??"

 I gave it all freely, no strings attached, just a gift from my heart for the treasure I saw!! Yes, great longing I had for something more, but to bribe and to buy I would not! 

Now what can I say or what can I do, for all that I did seems so small, so insignificant? 

Wave after wave comes rushing in bringing back more than I ever gave! How is this possible? An investment without a contract! "I love you" given with no demand of return! 

Now more received than I ever gave, how is this possible? But possible I know it is for it is the reality I now live! 

With grateful heart I bow my head to my King and I say thank you, thank you as I hold the hand of my best friend in mine and we bow together before our King and say thank you together!! 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

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