Wednesday, July 24, 2024


The Familiar sound of the deadbolt bar crossing into the door jamb with a semi-smooth clunk! Security, safety, peace of mind?

Keeping those safe on the inside and keeping those out who have no place there. Or is this true?

For years did the deadbolt keep me safe? Or for years did the deadbolt keep my fears safe?

I unlocked the door and I left it unlocked, in fact I left it partly open-not for all to welcome but for the One and one who are welcome! 

Now, instead of locking my fears inside, safely and securely while all others remain shut out- with door unlocked and partly open my fears have no place to hide, I see your silhouette stand in the door as you walk into the room, no fear of discovery have I, for all in its perfect time, nothing I have to hide!

With no protection of locks and bars my fears flee out the front door running down the lane into oblivion, they tumble and fall, how silly they look now; I don't even wave goodbye for your hand is wrapped in mine!

I unlocked the door and to lock it again I cannot. With respect and virtue I know you will walk in, and already have! 

This room I call my heart and the door to it is unlocked, the physical world of mine with real doors and bars is unlocked to πŸ‘Έ for to shut you out I refuse, no fear I have  that you will overstep- for virtue is your middle name and our King is our safety with His word we will live in peace of mind!!!❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ™

Saturday, July 13, 2024


 Unashamedly my greatest drive and joy is investing in the success of those in my world!!!!


If this is wrong, then may God have mercy on me and change my heart. Otherwise may God grant me the grace to stand tall though few approve! And perfect my craft and make it stronger in God's perfect plan!!πŸ™πŸ™✔️

I Appeal to Heaven...

 Like stepping on to a different planet, like an auditory specialist going deaf, like all my best dreams being in a foreign language that I do not know, like an Olympic swimming drowning on dry land. I do not know what to do. Like the gates of hell opened up wide, like the most compelling opportunity to fail, like almost  every insecurity ever know to me raising their voice to question my hope. I don't know what questions to ask. 

But this I hold, my hope, my confidence, my requests to my King, my knowledge that πŸ‘Έ is the best and only one like her

Why is it that as one is freed from pressure, another becomes captive to the unknown??

This much I must confess freely... our King knows what He is doing so I cling to Him with nothing but the teeth of my heart and look to the day when face to face, hand in hand, arm in arm, and side by side we stand as one with the three of us!! 

Worth the effort? Worth the fight? Worth the growth? Worth the risk? Absolutely πŸ’― ✔️

This too will somehow make tomorrow better because God is King of today and tomorrow!!πŸ™πŸ™

I am here, and not going anywhere so much as God grants me grace to stand!! To the one whom is my best friend... I love YOU!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Could it be...???

 Could it be... Two of the most amazing hugs any human could give to another human!!! ❤️  Could it be I received both?? Why yes indeed I did!!!! 

Could it be though that I keep taking? That I keep longing for the absolute best, without giving my absolute best??

Have I ever given a hug to the most amazing woman ever?? I fear I have not... I fear I always receive... Yes, it is safer this way, I spare the awkwardness of rejection, or awkwardness of timing. But I ask again have I ever given a hug to the most beautiful woman in the world?? And if no, why?? Is not it my fear of her fear that makes it so?? She is most lovely and perfect in her timing, her hugs are always just right so I never could replace them even if I tried. But why would I not at least try to give a gift freely given?? I accept her gift freely given!! 

Where are you my reader?? Have you dared to give, have you dared to give a hug to your best friend? Have you dared to give a hug to those who mean more than life to you? Have you dared to despise the fear and seek the glory that comes from Above? Not for selfish gain but for genuine, honest, and right motive?

I know not how, but I shall not leave you to attempt this on your own, my best fried!πŸ‘Έ for we shall dare to live and prosper even if in so doing there is risk of failing!! That is a risk I must take!! For without it, do not we die?? 

Friday, July 5, 2024

The Hair...

 There it was... the hair... in stark contrast to the interior of my vehicle as it layed straddled across the center console. Far to long to be mine and not quite the right color either. It was no mystery where it came from.

You probably know the hairs... At the most inopportune times they clog the drain, appear in a casserole at Christmas dinner, cling to clothing and fly through the air. Some recoil in disgust while others shrink in embarrassment, ill-mannered kids will throw a tantrum and refuse to eat their food after discovering the hair! All in all no one is too crazy about them.

That November day I jolted back to reality... my car had been "invaded" by the donor of this hair, perhaps "invaded" is too harsh of a word, for she had spent time with me driving in my car. One simple hair strung across center console... as I closed my car door and walked into my house I made a choice.. or perhaps the choice made me I prayed  that I would never again complain about the hair but instead gratefully take it as a reminder of an amazing person and an amazing time spent together!!πŸ™

A Journey

 Oh how can I keep silent! How can I hide my face? No, I cannot!! For I have seen miracles upon miracles, I have seen the waters of the Red Sea part as it were and dry land appear where there was no way!! Because I have seen this I dare to Hope and I confidently trust that the raging waters of the Jordan River will stand still and also part!!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ Even if no one is with me I will put my feet into that water! Oh how sweet it would be to have company on that journey! 

Help me my King!!

 Oh, how I wish to run through the hills picking the finest wildflowers like I have done almost every other seventh day since Sioux Falls!! But yet how can I do such a thing?? I delighted in it and looked forward to it every week!! A dear friend I must protect, and as we try and carve out what is right, as we stand appart for now, I appeal to Heaven and my King for helpπŸ™πŸ™πŸ’πŸ’

"Open last"

 The morning dawned with sun yet some gray clouds, rain was forecast... would it make it a dreary day? A drive lay ahead and my aching throat was the greeting to my next decade... The card had layed next to me all night, now retrieving my trusty pocket knife I slit the envelope open carefully... the card had wrinkled some, the light blue stain that bled through from where I had held it close to my heart until the time to open it. There was the card with the very familiar handwriting... a kind and encouraging message that brought tears to my eyes, and there was a mysterious white piece of paper folded in half with the simple words "open last" the card had contained an explanation of the paper so with trembling hands I opened the white piece of paper... the more I read the more my hands shook, the more my heart ached and yet the more pride and joy that weld up inside! How can it be that one simple card and one simple piece of paper could be the most painful things I have ever received and yet simultaneously joyous? Now I have two prize possessions... 1 my old Bible from childhood, 2 the most beautifully painful card I have ever received with a white piece of paper that said "open last".

As my day came to a close I looked back and without any shadow of a doubt I could say it was my absolute best birthday yet, the most prized possession and gift that could have been given that day!!! I wonder if everyone gets these same opportunities? I don't remember hearing many people talk about them if they do, so I bow my head and I say thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus!

"Open last" πŸ’”❤️‍🩹❤️πŸ’πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ™πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Into War...

A heart tore between heaven and earth. I've felt pain before yet never so deep, so invasive, nothing escapes its feel. Yet at the same moment I've never felt so calm, so happy, so confident of my King! I have never been more sure and yet onlookers would question my sanity.  πŸ™ƒ πŸ€” 

See,  this pain... can not freeze me for I take it to the ice Melter who shines His warmth into the soul!! What I can not do, He can do!

If my King leads into war I can follow with confidence πŸ’― and there is much to be fought for πŸ‘Έ, good and noble aims!! My promise πŸ‘Έ is that I will only do it with our 🀴 help and blessing!!!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Let me hear...

 I do not need to see the lightning, I do not need to hear the thunder, I do not need the raging fire to keep me warm, I do not need the wind whistling through the rocks, and I do not need an earthquake to rock my world...

 I must have the still small Voice, that is all I need, that is all I want, for One whisper of that Voice and everything else fades into dim silence, and that still small Voice becomes the pounding throb of a beating heart full of life - from the soft command of its Maker and King!!!