Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Gold Mine

 The Gold Mine

I want a gold mine, a gold mine of my very own! A gold mine bringing buried treasure up from the earth.

I want to build, build a gold mine! Build a gold mine that will last the test of time.

This gold mine, on my own I can not build! A partner for this partnership I will need.

Tools and supplies, for this mine, we must bring! For some things this mine I’m unwilling it to be.

A gravel pit is fine for some, for us that will not do! Others build a landfill to bury everything out of sight.

A gold mine is all that we will settle for! For this treasure is to precious to bury out of sight!!

Who will partner with me to build our mine? I have the Investor’s solemn promise, “funding there will be!”

Not a mud puddle, not a trash pile, not a gravel pit, Nor even a stone quarry. A gold mine it shall be!!

Bringing buried treasure up from the earth beneath! Not for show to boast, nor for pride to claim fame.

Who will build this mine with me?? Is there anyone willing to dare to try and build a mine?

Not just any mine, but a Gold mine! A Gold mine of our very own, with true wealth to be!!

Hard work I see, blood sweat and tears! Our part of the investment, what a small price to pay!

Here, look at the buried treasure in His hands!! Love for each other in kindly smiles and helpfulness!

Singing in the storm because He backs the mine! Backs our gold mine with His Gold, never ending!

A home where the only rule is Love! A home that is a home, a fortress, a sacred place!

I’m looking for a partner, not just any though… My friend, my confidante, my lover, I am hers and she is mine!!

A Gold mine of our very own! Lets build our very own Gold mine together!!!

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