Saturday, January 6, 2024

Direct Line

Before times that now are, when life was simple and I was young my father gave me a gift all neatly packaged! With enthusiasm I opened the package and what a find to lay my eyes on, a telephone, a red telephone, a red telephone with the words “Direct Line” engraved on it in white letters!! This telephone was different than the one hanging on the wall in the kitchen. The kitchen phone had a round rotary circle with numbers 1 through 0, the “Direct Line” telephone had just the phone body and the handset, no numbers. A simple note was tied to the phone, with a gold ribbon, “Call on me anytime- I love you!!”

As I began to look at my new gift I noticed that there was not place to plug in the phone line like the telephone hanging on the kitchen wall used, this confused me for just a moment until I lifted the receiver to my ear and heard a voice saying “Hello!” In surprise I quickly placed the handset back down on the phone body! At this moment I began to realize I had a very special telephone, almost like a wireless phone! A slight amount of disappointment crossed my face, how was I to use this telephone to call my friends, and tell them about my amazing gift, without any numbers on it?? and just what did “Direct Line” mean anyway??

For a while after reviving my special gift I carried it everywhere I went and showed it to anyone who would listen to the voice on the other end say “Hello”.

On the weekends I would go to my Fathers house and He would remind me to use the “Direct Line” anytime I wanted to ask or tell Him something. As I got older I realized the “Direct Line” was significant and special so I kept it safe in it’s original box as a type of treasure!

Whenever I felt that I needed to talk to my Father I would go traipsing through the countryside looking for Him, see my Father owns a large estate! At times I would find Him talking to farmers, the blacksmith, or the less fortunate ones. He would always see me coming and with a look of love that only a father has would ask me how I was and what I wanted? But far more often I would wonder around in circles looking for Him, a misplaced step and I would fall down into a pile of quivering exhaustion yet every time He would find me, sit there with me, dry my tears, and tell me that He loved me!

As the years slipped by one by one my self-consciousness enlarged and I found it more frustrating spending so much time traipsing all over looking for my Father, I had walked these valleys many times before, and my heart had skipped for joy every time I was on the mountain tops with my Father after He found me in the precarious situations of my heart!

One evening sitting all alone in my cottage, visions of my past, present, and future flooded over me… and here I was yet again slipping into the valley of the shadow of my heart… would the circle repeat it’s self again?? would I wonder through the estate looking for my Father? again to tell Him how I’d failed Him, how my heart was hurting, and how I had no strength to fight here below in the valley as evil laughed in my face??

There sat my prized gift from childhood, safely preserved in mint condition without a scratch on it… as I looked at the beautiful package my heart, for the first time, took my Father’s offer seriously! Ripping the box open like a child at Christmas time, I slumped to the floor beside the “Direct Line”, reaching up I grasped the handset and brought it close to my face. Not waiting to hear the guaranteed “Hello” I cried out “Send Help” Heaven send help, please I need Help!

Of this I can promise you, it felt as though every Angel wash there and as my Father held me close the darkness of the valley’s shadow burst into beautiful Light!!!

The red paint on the “Direct Line” is showing the wear of frequent use and I intend that it will be used so well that all the red paint my be gone one day!! This was not a treasure to keep safe- The treasure is in its use!!

I talk to my Father on the “Direct Line” as I would to a friend, No, not just a friend- my best Friend anytime and anywhere about anything and He talks to me too and tells me how He would do things!! I can’t here evil laughing anymore and even if it did I wouldn't here it because I’m talking on the “Direct Line”

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