Monday, March 11, 2019

A Tale of Two Men in the Rose Garden

Once upon a time there were two men walking through a garden, a beautiful rose garden. Roses of all colors and sizes spread themselves across the landscape, a breathtaking sight to say the least.

Both men young and full of life, some said they looked like two peas in a pod, happily talked, as they walked together, about the flower's each looked for. As they came round a small bend in the path both took a deep breath and a long look at the fragrant sight they stood before. It was the most lovely Roses in the entire garden, a bush of strong luster mixed with delicate blush, the buds were held high in dainty elegance. The red petals set against the green of the leaves with the evening sun giving a golden highlight was an enchanting sight that non would want to leave. The two young men advanced with all the handsome looks and charming wit they could muster. They walked round and round the rose bush until they were sure the lovely Rose buds they wanted had seen them, then each one picked his own flower. Carnal going first picked one of young beauty, even though twas all tightly closed. Caring went last and picked his Rose bud, one slightly more open but of pure beauty, never before picked by another. The two young men ambled off into the sunset, each with his beautiful Rose bud and each dreaming of a life “happily ever after”. As night was coming on both men parted ways, each to his own destiny.

Carnal was sure his Rose would be the envy of his whole town once she had opened up to full bloom. Midnight was almost there, the morning was coming but Carnal could wait no longer, his words had not made her open up into her full beauty and he was so anxious to show his “love” and receive the fulfillment that he wanted so badly that one by one he began to pry and pull on the delicate petals. Some of her petals broke and fell to the ground, others were crushed and bruised, large red drops of rose blood fell silently to the grass below. Carnal reasoned that this must be the way she was made; for always another new petal came from behind the others. At last he saw her heart, he had made it!!! And as he held her up in the light of his camp fire all his joy and pleasure turned to anger and frustration, for now he saw just a stem with thorns to hurt him and where beauty once had been no petals remained to give charm! He threw her down in disgust to the ground and left her there to die all alone only covered with the black of night. Carnal kicked up his heels as he strode off into the night saying “there is nothing to love it's all a farce!” But yet he still wants something he does not have and will look for another Rose he can tare apart.

Now, Caring had lovingly taken his Rose bud with him and put her in a vase so as not to let her wither and grow old. He could see that there was beauty deep inside, a reservoir of love just for him! She would be the queen of all Roses when she opened up wide in all her beauty. It was now past midnight, his camp fire had gone out, the cold of the morning hours threatened to freeze and mar the edges of her beauty with it's cold and cutting chill, then it was that in love and comfort for her beauty Caring drew her close to the warmth of his heart. Morning dawned fair and in it’s early light and warmth from the sun Caring’s Rose opened even wider revealing more of her hidden beauty and fragrance to the man she now loved and trusted.

As Caring walked on with his Rose next to his heart there came a rose-stand by the roadside. Roses of every size and of every color, it made him think of the lovely sight of the rose garden the day before but somehow it paled in contrast as if almost artificial. Now Carnal tended this roadside stand and called out to his old friend. “Come get something new, it's no fun to have an old Rose, trust me I know, the one I took in the garden yesterday made me' poor hands bleed bad with her thorns at midnight.” Caring held his now gorgeous Rose up high and said. “This is my love, this is my dove, we are one for life and my life would I give for her protection!” And with that Caring passed quickly by the rose stand with his sweetheart close so his heart!

Afternoon now found Caring's journey taking him through a desert, hot and harsh the sun beat down. Caring took his shirt off of his own back to give shade to his one and only, his bare back to the burning wind and blistering sun providing protection for the Rose of his dreams. Many a man had lost their way in this desert, many more had left there Roses helpless on the burning sand. But even though exhaustion wracked his body and blisters riddled his back Caring kept on going, for he would rather die than let harm come to his Rose. Aw, ‘twas her sweet fragrance wafting on the warm breeze that kept the life blood pumping through his veins as he toiled all afternoon across the desert. But every step a smile he wore for his Rose was safe in his arms, without her no doubt his bones would be bleaching in the sand!

Near evening the sound of a babbling brook, the smell of the lofty pine trees, the songs of the beards, and the scamper of the woodland animals welcomed there prince and princess! With the creek of the door Caring and his Rose were now home! In the glow of the fireplace, in their cozy cabin, he gazes into her beautiful face full of all the joy and love that only time can bring!

A fairy tale you say? Nae, but a reality that selfish hearts can know only when greed we lay aside and let love come inside.

My dear friend, time fails me to tell the tale of the Rose left for dead, but in the future I shall! And to all may the rose Gardener speed you on your way.


  1. I wrote this over 12 years ago and figured it was time I could post it. I changed a few things but the body is really close to my original.

  2. Who knew? That was pretty good. Tell about the other rose😃

    1. I will when I can, her's is an amazing story!
