Saturday, February 1, 2014

Shamelessly Robbed!

As I my pen take up, 'tis with heavy heart, the gloomy pain bringing a pinched face... you see, today I was robbed, shamelessly robbed...

The day dawned as any other one, bright with the full radiance of the sun warming the earth below, all seeming so normal this fateful day. This tradesman busy all the light through at his cheerful toil, working for a better tomorrow, the days productivities having come to an end, I now donned my clean outer coat and headed off to the busy marketplace; to acquire provisions of food, for life and festivities, I had come. Some provisions for me, some for my dear friends, but all for someone. As I made my way through the market gathering the prescribed items, many a face I saw, many a story lay behind each one, and should I have another direction turned, one story I had not read nor wrote this one of mine, my life unchanged would have remained; but straight ahead I scurried into an ambush by the thief. My eyes dancing back and forth were scanning the passing faces, one by one. All of the sudden there it was, the face of the thief, disinterestedly pushing her trolley through the marketplace, greatly shielding her life from the world around her. My dancing eyes fastened on her face, they lit up, my mouth curved upward into a smile, but suddenly with shuddering speed my world stood still, no recognition, no response, no smile returned, no, not even her head did she raise up to meet my eyes; my gaze I did not loose while I passed her by, in her downward stare I saw an aching hollow pain.  She had robbed me... robbed me of the joy of her reception of my smile, bestowed only on her. She also robbed me of a response at least, and a smile at best... In a daze I shuffled off to pay my bill to the merchantman. Pain gripping at my heart, I began to see that I had become a victim; a victim of a victim. Her joy another had stolen, shamelessly stolen from her. So as I retired from the scene of the marketplace my sadness did not abate nor diminish, although a strong resolve began to come alongside, for to rob another, as I had been, would only make me a thief and that I shall not be even in the name of  a “victim”. The victim only becomes the victimizer at the behest of their will. So to smile I shall and to recognize I will!

Rob not thy neighbor of recognition at least, and joy at best, for perhaps that is all we may ever share and receive to brighten our world here below.

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